Hydro RDI - Bureau d'études hydraulique international - Evaluation of the Commission’s Country Strategy for Lesotho (Water sector)


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End-Term Review of the Lesotho Water and Sanitation Sector Programme under EDF-9

The overall objective of the review is the assessment of impact and sustainability of the programme components with regard to its purpose, objectives, results and activities and means.

The consultant will provide the following services:
The review will provide specific feedback about the sustainability of the Programme, expressing critically and impartially its opinions i.e. to what extent the programme has been able to achieve its objectives. It will also assess the effectiveness of the monitoring system in place and the quality of the set of indicators in use.

The review will result in:
1. An assessment of problems identified and of the projects’ objectives against their physical and policy environment;
2. An assessment of the monitoring and supervision arrangements for the projects and of the indicators adopted;
3. An assessment of whether and how cross-cutting issues were sufficiently considered;
4. An assessment of the sustainability of the activities and results;
5. Best practices in response to problems and issues occurred and having hampered the full success of the programme;
6. Lessons learnt useful for future interventions and support to the sector.


Mid-term review of the Lesotho Water and Sanitation Sector Programme

In recent years, much investment in infrastructure and industry in Lesotho had been in the Western Lowlands, where two thirds of the population lives. The explosive growth of the textile industry has pushed up the demand for water and treatment facilities. The Programme consists of 4 related sub-projects, developed on the basis of studies carried out with 8th EDF support. The Overall Objective of the Programme is the provision of reliable and affordable water and sanitation services for domestic and industrial uses in the Lesotho Lowlands. The 4 sub-projects each have their own Specific Objective. The overall objective of the review is the assessment of the effectiveness and efficiency of the programme components with regard to its purpose, objectives, expected results and impact. The mid-term review also assessed whether the programme components were able to achieve their objectives and in this respect gave guidance for the further implementation of the programme’s components where necessary.


Lesotho Water and sanitation – Sector Wide Approach Consultancy

The global objective of the study is to assist the Government of Lesotho (GoL) in determining the way forward for management and development of the Water Sector in Lesotho. The specific objective of the study is to determine the feasibility or otherwise for the successful implementation of a Sector Wide Approach (SWAp) for the Water Sector in Lesotho. To that end the study will determine in how far the criteria, as defined in the “Guidelines for European Commission Support to Sector Programmes” can be met. These criteria are:1. Strength of the macro-economic framework 2. Sector policy and national strategic framework3. Medium term expenditure framework for the sector 4. Accountability & public expenditure management (PEM) systems 5. Status of Donor co-ordination 6. Performance monitoring & client consultation systems 7. Institutions and capacities


Evaluation of the Commission’s Country Strategy for Lesotho (Water sector)

The Commission Services have requested the Evaluation Unit of the EuropeAid Co-operation Office to undertake an Evaluation of the European Commission’s country strategy for Lesotho. The present evaluation is part of the 2003 evaluation programme as approved by the Board of the EuropeAid Co-operation Office. The primary objective of this evaluation is to provide the Commission with key findings and lessons of experience from the Commission’s past (1995 - 2002) and current (2003 - 2007) co-operation with Lesotho. Taking account of Lesotho’s political, economic, social and environmental framework, it presents those findings and lessons, along with a set of detailed and operational recommendations, in a report designed primarily to provide the Commission’s policy-makers and managers with a valuable aid to the implementation of the past and current strategies.
